Invisible world

There are two worlds here, one of which is visible and the other one is invisible. God is there in the invisible world, that’s why he is near us but still, we can’t see him. The invisible world is like a one-way mirror, those who are in that world can see us but we can’t see that world.

But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than that of Abel. -Hebrews 12.22

In the invisible world, there is God, Angels, Satan and the other most important thing that belongs to the invisible world is our Soul. In the above verse, it clearly says, you have come to Jesus, Angels, Zion, and New Jerusalem, etc. which means Jesus is very close to us. Angels, New Jerusalem, Zion is very close to us but they belong to the dimension to which our inner man belongs not the outer man's dimension.

The most important thing here is, the invisible world is more real than this world. This three dimensional visible world we live in is a very small part of a bigger invisible world which is more real than this world. The joy of that invisible world is far superior to the joy of the visible world. But because the inane heart has been stained by sin, we are not able to understand that bigger world which is more real and where there is greater joy; this petty, abominable joy of this visible world seems real to us. Every worldly thing we love and do will only pull us down from that real invisible world of true joy and bring us into this less real world. The more we get pulled into this world, the less real Jesus becomes and that’s why we can’t love him.

Every sin in this world has 4 tendencies and they are

1. It gives you pleasure.

2. It makes you want more. 

3. It makes you go deeper and experiment with other deeper stuff in the same category.

4. And finally, it kills you.

Why can’t you able to overcome certain sins? Why do you have so many questions about God? It’s a Love problem! All our problems are love problems, when you start loving God, all your questions will be answered and all your problems will be solved. So if we can somehow manage to communicate our inner man with God, that person is called a spiritual person. Look at St Paul; in his words you can see how he is chasing God,

Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ – Philippians 3.8

We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. – 2 Corinthians 5.8

Can you see how Paul’s inner man can connect with God? Our inner man also has eyes, ears, and features. Our inner man should learn to pursue Jesus, and then you can see his Beauty. And if you get one glimpse of his Beauty; I challenge, you will forget everything; you will go crazy about Jesus. So if we can get our inner man to communicate with God that will become a beautiful life.

When the body dies it becomes breathless but when the soul dies it’s still active. A dead soul can laugh, cry and have thrills but how do you know when a soul is dead? It’s when a soul is brought to God and reacts no more. So a dead soul is a soul that cannot connect with God because of its love for sin. Even a small sin can separate us from God. Once upon a time, our way of living is different and now it’s been changed because sin has become our lifestyle. Now I am not telling you to consecrate your sins, you must do it by yourself. But remember these things; every time you sin against God you are giving pain to God. Whenever you sin against God it gives you pleasure and at the same time, it communicates with you to get into the visible world and leave the invisible where God is and where our soul belongs to. Now you will not see demons behind the sin but one day you will leave this world, and on that day the demons will come and say, you are mine.

You know what, God has already said,

Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. - Isaiah 43.1

We all have someone to love us so much but the problem is we are unable to connect with him because of our sins. We are all caught in this big love problem. Ask God to change your heart. May the love of God overflow in your heart, so that you count all the sins as a loss. Love God! 


  1. Oh wow..... So much of needed true stuffs to the present world. Great work Prisci ✨ Praise God. Who can love us more than Jesus..?❤️


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